It was the school summer holidays (just after Christmas in January) and time to get away from the work routine I had imposed on myself.
I was longing to wander with my camera, but couldn't afford to use up too much petrol!
I hadn't visited The Briars at nearby Mount Martha for awhile, so wandered there.
It's a great place for indulging in bushland and wetlands and enjoying the old historic homestead of Napoleon's.
But as I stepped out of the car, I heard music - bagpipes.
I had to find them!
I wandered up toward the Briars Camp building on the hill.

And, behind the building, on the hill top, this is what I saw!
A group of young people learning to play the bagpipes. (There is one girl hidden on the far left!)
And they were so good!
Their music seemed fill the hillsides - haunting and beautiful!
I don't think I have ever enjoyed hearing bagpipes so much!
Maybe it was the morning air and the amphitheatre effect of the hills!
And best of all, I was the only audience!
It was me and their music!

How wonderful to see young people doing this on their school holidays!
(You can just see the girl's skirt behind the boy second from the left!)
But there was more to come!

I wandered back down the hill leaving them to play.
But I sensed that they seemed to be getting closer.
And the music seemed different.
The song they played was
There was a soldier, a Scottish soldier...
Finally I turned around.
They were following me, but only the first ones were playing!
I tried to take a photo (actually I felt nervous and moved by their music) but they turned into the camp area and I only captured the last ones.
(And when did this mystery girl in blue shorts appear???)
One dreamy morning
I found music in the hills
Linking to:
Our World Tuesday