
Friday, November 28, 2014

clear blue skies...

clear blue skies over Martha Cove marina...

clear blue skies
and shining
blue waters

Linking to:
SkyWatch Friday


ak_ut said...

such a beautiful blue sky - in germany it's misty and getting colder every day

eileeninmd said...

A beautiful blue sky, looks like a lovely day to be out and about! Have a happy weekend!

Jim said...

True blue.

Nathalie H.D. said...

Trees and vegetation seem to be missing here - I suppose it's a very new development? I'm also amazed to see how close the houses are. To me a bit more distance between them would have been more comfortable.

Alexander said...

Really beautiful place and lovely weather you have. Definitely a great place to stay.

Have a good weekend!

Alex's World! -

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Lovely blue Australian skies Gemma.. Bon weekend.

Lea said...

Have a great week-end!

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