
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Space Roller

One of many colourful signs on rides at the recent Westernport Festival at Hastings

bright bold colour
can sell the idea of

Linking to:
Ruby Tuesday Too


Taken For Granted said...

Not only color, but the image of a pretty girl always draws attention in advertising. Great photo.

DrillerAA said...

WOW! Is that ever colorful. Outstanding Ruby Tuesday post.

genie said...

Your haiku today is perfection for the shot and the festival. Love all those bright colors. Very inviting. Hope you had a good time.

Andrea said...

Lovely capture Gemma. By the way, i can't imagine how you can manage all your blogs, you have a lot listed on your page!

Karen said...

That would get my attention!

Ruth Kelly said...

Looks very modern and I am when those lights are lit that it is an attention getter.

Lina Gustina said...

Looks so attractive.

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