
Monday, June 30, 2014

yellow in the rain...

the touch of yellow on the umbrella glows in misty rain at Rosebud...

misty winter rain
demands that the spirit
stays warm

Linking to:
Monday Mellow Yellows

Sunday, June 29, 2014

bird bath...

unusual bird bath at the Enchanted Maze Garden, Arthurs Seat...

fanciful leaves
a touch of water

Linking to:
Shadow Shot Sunday 2

Saturday, June 28, 2014

tall ship passing...

as evening falls, tall ship passing Dromana beach last September...

tall ship beauty
connecting with
old world enchantment

Linking to:
Scenic Weekends
SOOC Sunday

Friday, June 27, 2014

taunting clouds...

mornng winter light over Port Phillip Bay seems to be hovering low, with dark clouds looming...

patchy dark clouds
taunting the beauty of
morning light

Linking to:
SkyWatch Friday

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Aero Bounce...

large sign in Mornington Park, Mornington...

aero bounce
the chance to fly high and low
without wings

Linking to:
Signs, Signs

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

tumbling winter waters...

tumbling winter waters at Dromana beach...

rumbling and tumbling
winter's icy energy 
is alive and well

Linking to:
Water World Wednesday

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

yes it has been raining...

yes it has been raining
yes I have been out...
yes I have taken photos
mostly from the car...

red umbrella
a happy handle
to grip tightly

Linking to: Ruby Tuesday Too

Monday, June 23, 2014

some yellow trim...

yellow door and roof trim on a boat shed in Dromana...

a little ageing
but yellow still connects with
sunny worlds

Linking to:
Monday Mellow Yellows

Sunday, June 22, 2014

shadows and leaves...

outdoor dining tables and chairs waiting early on a Sunday morning at Mornington...

shadows and leaves
waiting and longing for

Linking to:
Shadow Shot Sunday 2

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Friday, June 20, 2014

two skies?

interesting how the sky in the Main Street, Mornington seems so pale
and yet, in the shop reflection on the left,
the clouds are so defined in a blue sky...

two skies
gracing one street world
an enigma

Linking to:
SkyWatch Friday

Thursday, June 19, 2014

welcome to Mornington...

attractive welcome sign near the main Mornington shopping carpark...

welcome to 
shopping worlds and
sea views

Linking to:
Signs, Signs

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

a winter beach run...

enjoying a winter run on the sands at Schnapper Point...

the waters are cool
but a run on the sands
warms the spirit 

Linking to:
Water World Wednesday

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Hoodoo Mayhem...

Hoodoo Mayhem warming up to play in the 2014 Mornington Winter Jazz Festival...

music for the mind
and rhythms for the soul
are always welcome

Linking to:
Ruby Tuesday Too

Monday, June 16, 2014

where the music plays...

street musicians playing in last weekend's Mornington Winter Jazz Festival...
The banners behind them represent the old Mornington post office that has been converted into a museum...

where the music plays
beauty in the street
I will follow

Linking to:
Monday Mellow Yellows

Sunday, June 15, 2014

shadows of yesteryear...

one of the old hospitals used for quarantine at Point Nepean in the 19th century...

tragic lives
shadows of yesteryear
linger sadly

Linking to:
Shadow Shot Sunday 2

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Friday, June 13, 2014

a Sunday moment...

wintry skies over Main Street, Mornington last Sunday morning...

slow Sunday pace
time to drift with
the moment

Linking to:
SkyWatch Friday

Thursday, June 12, 2014


so sad that such a sign needs to hang around a small wetlands...
sadder still, the sign appears to have been vandalised
- pulled out of the ground and propped against a tree trunk...
This sign is in the Hillview Community Reserve wetlands in Dromana...

earth treasures means
ruining our own

Linking to:
  Signs, Signs

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

swimming coot...

coot swimming in the Hillview Community Reserve wetlandfs, Dromana...

swimming coot
blithely enjoying
winter beauty

Linking to:
Water World Wednesday

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

where leaves lie idle...

a view of wintry Mornington Main Street...

where leaves lie idle
and traffic slows
sunlight whispers

Linking to:
Ruby Tuesday Too

Monday, June 9, 2014

art gallery...

sign for Philip Ayres and his extraordinary landscape gallery in Mornington...
To explain the name...Philip Ayres is a buddhist monk...
His gallery showcases the photography of Philip Ayres
and the paintings of an indigenous artist, Jumba Jimba...

deep within our earth
is our soul
our dreaming

Linking to:
Monday Mellow Yellows

Sunday, June 8, 2014

flurry of shadows...

cockatoos taking off from my back yard...

beating a hasty retreat
flurry of shadows

and then they settled...
all except one...

Linking to:
Shadow Shot Sunday 2

Saturday, June 7, 2014


not really anything particularly interesting in this landscape...
no particular view....
and yet the simplicty of just pale yellowed grasses framed in greens beneath a blue sky
offers quiet beauty to the spirit...

no sign of life's pressures
just earth life and sky

Linking to:
Scenic Weekends
SOOC Sunday

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